Our Future

Our Future

First Haunt is currently on it's festival run!

This sounds like a great movie! How can I support this film?

We're super happy to hear that! You can follow us on our social medias, share our pages with your friends and family, and donate to help support our festival run. Any support helps us! 

I have some money I'd like to donate, how can I do that?

First, we're incredibly grateful for your generosity! Second, All donations are tax deductible as we are a 501 C-3 under the Utah Film Commission. So, reach out to our Write/Director Tanner McCowan to find which donation process is best for you! Email: tanner.cowman@gmail.com or Phone: (435) 689-2083

How can I find out what my donated money is going towards?

That's a great question! To summarize, your funds would go towards helping us find a home for this film! We would use the funds for entry fees for national and international film festivals, hiring a trustworthy lawyer to help with the logistics side of movie making, hiring a publicist, and even more! If you'd like to know more about the distribution of funds, feel free to reach out to our producer Andrea Bustillo. Email: andreabustillo.ml@gmail.com or Phone: (435) 314-8973

I really want to watch this movie. When do I get to see it?

First Haunt is currently on its festival run. After that, we hope to find a home for the film and you'll be able to watch the movie on a streaming service or a theater near you!